Customer Care Horizon Co. Beneficiary KSA, Ministry of Health ABOUT Container deployed, shipped to Saudi Arabia, October 2020 RELATED IMAGES
Customer International SOS Beneficiary Red Sea Developement ABOUT Turmaks have deployed prefabricated clinic in Saudi Arabia for Red Sea Developement in January 2021 RELATED
Customer USA (Confidential) Beneficiary USA (Confidential) ABOUT 40ft expandable container completed, shipped in August 2021. This unit is designed as a high technology mobile factory
Customer Think Global, Italy Beneficiary GSI Foundation, Italy ABOUT Gynaecology Container is manufactured and shipped to DR Congo in November 2021. RELATED IMAGES
Donation of Rotary Internatonal Beneficiary Türkiye, Ministry of Health ABOUT Turmaks has delivered a mobile hospital to the earthquake-stricken region in Adıyaman, Turkey. The
Client Tree Top Hospital Date of Completion 2017 About: 170 Beds (+30 Spare Beds) Construction Area: 30 000 m2 RELATED IMAGES
Client Ministry of Heath, Maldives Date of Completion 2019 About: Interior Design, Medical Equipment and IT Construction Area: 25 000 m2 RELATED IMAGES
Donated By LDS Beneficiary Türkiye, Ministry of Health ABOUT Turmaks has delivered five mobile hospitals to the earthquake-stricken region in Hatay, Turkiye. The clinic consists