About Turmaks
TURMAKS is a company specialized in the planning, design and execution of medical and related turnkey projects throughout the globe - with a particular focus on fast support hospitals, mobile field hospitals (Level-2, Level-2+, Level 3) and trailer clinics along with all types of stationary hospitals.
Why Turmaks Stands Out
Turmaks creates special solutions by examining the needs and conditions with expertise on the field
Turmaks delivers systems in a very short period of time thanks to its dedicated team and manufacturing capabilities
Turmaks offers best economical options to reach the areas in-need
Turmaks systems can be deployed much faster with relatively to units with same capabilities
Turmaks systems are designed to be maintained and checked with basic common tools
Turmaks systems are manufactured to work in harsh conditions for a long time
Turmaks systems can be transferred to other locations when needed
Turmaks systems can work with its own support units and minimum basic supplies
Turmaks systems complies with freight standard to ensure transportation everywhere
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what Turmaks offers
This is a very similar solution to commonly known prefabricated buildings. Difference comes from Turmaks’ expertise in hospital.
Turmaks was founded as a construction company and that comes in prominance in hospital projects or other construction.
Building Solutions
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